Safwat Al-Awan Law Firm A group of highly experienced lawyers and consultants with over ten years of experience both within and outside the Kingdom. They hold qualifications ranging from bachelor's degrees to postgraduate studies in various legal and Sharia disciplines. They adopt an approach of positivity and effectiveness in order to find solutions to arising problems, which has resulted in a record of significant achievements. Additionally, the company is committed to providing the best legal solutions that yield tangible, effective results at the lowest cost to clients

أن نكون من أفضل شركات المحاماة الرائدة والموثوق بها في تقديم خدمات الاستشارات القانونية والمحاماة، لنرتقي لتطلعات عملائنا ونصل بخدماتهم لمعايير جديدة للخدمات القانونية في المملكة العربية السعودية وخارجها، وتقودنا في ذلك مبادئنا الأخلاقية والتي تنطلق من قوله تعالى ” إن خير من استأجرت القوي الأمين ” وقوله ” وَأَخِي هَارُونُ هُوَ أَفْصَحُ مِنِّي لِسَانًا فَأَرْسِلْهُ مَعِيَ رِدْءًا يُصَدِّقُنِي ۖ إِنِّي أَخَافُ أَنْ يُكَذِّبُونِ ” ، وما جاء في المستدرك من قول الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم ” إذا وجدتم للمؤمن مخرجا فخلوا سبيله إن الإمام لأن يخطئ في العفو خير له من أن يخطئ في العقوبة“، وحيث أن مهنة ا...

● Increase legal awareness among all members of society, companies, institutions and all other parties.

● Harnessing all our energies to serve our customers and fulfill our promises.

● Build strong relationships with our customers and serve them carefully with constant attention to detail in everything we do.

● Developing our capabilities to be able to serve our customers to the fullest extent.

● Interact positively with our customers with responsibility and awareness.

● Providing a healthy work environment for the work team that allows them to excel and advance while enjoying equality and respect.

● Expanding our business by continuing to achieve growth.

About US

About us

Safwat Al-Awan is a group of lawyers and consultants with high expertise, boasting over ten years of experience both within the Kingdom and abroad. They possess qualifications ranging from bachelor's degrees to postgraduate studies in various legal and Sharia specializations. Their approach is marked by positivity and effectiveness in finding solutions to arising problems, leading to a track record of significant achievements. Moreover, the firm is dedicated to providing the best legal solutions that yield tangible, effective results at the lowest possible costs for clients

Our vision

To be one of the leading and trusted law firms in providing legal consultancy and advocacy services, aspiring to elevate our clients' expectations and bring their services to new standards of legal services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and beyond. Guiding us in this endeavor are our ethical principles, which stem from the Quranic verses: "Indeed, the best one to hire is the strong and trustworthy" and "And my brother Aaron is more eloquent in speech than me, so send him with me as a helper to confirm (and strengthen) me. Indeed, I fear that they will deny me." Additionally, as stated in Al-Mustadrak, the words of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, "If you find a way out for a believer, then let him go, for it is better for the leader to err in pardon than to err in punishment," resonate with us. The legal profession is highly capable of finding these solutions, thanks to the eloquence, legal studies, and quick understanding of lawyers, whether innate or acquired. From this standpoint, we began

Our Mission

● Increase legal awareness among all members of society, companies, institutions and all other parties.

● Harnessing all our energies to serve our customers and fulfill our promises.

● Build strong relationships with our customers and serve them carefully with constant attention to detail in everything we do.

● Developing our capabilities to be able to serve our customers to the fullest extent.

● Interact positively with our customers with responsibility and awareness.

● Providing a healthy work environment for the work team that allows them to excel and advance while enjoying equality and respect.

● Expanding our business by continuing to achieve growth.


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Work Fields

The company works in these fields with high professionalism and accuracy, and you can contact us at any time to inquire about our services

Judicial representation

Judicial representation and pleading before all judicial and quasi-judicial courts of all types

Drafting regulations

Drafting all objection regulations, lawsuit regulations, and regulatory regulations, preparing memorandums, and drafting all contracts and agreements

Providing consultations

Providing consultations, studies, and research, liquidating estates, registering and drafting guardianships, and supervising endowments.

Establishing companies

Establishing all companies, opening branches, making partner decisions, and converting institutions to companies

intellectual property

Registration of trademarks and intellectual property rights, patents, industrial designs and models, and copyrights, trademark monitoring service, drafting and verifying patents, following up on infringements thereof, searching for trademarks that have been published, registering domain names on the Internet, registering intellectual property licenses, and evaluating property rights. Intellectual

Debt Collection

Debt collection, and implementation of all judicial and quasi-judicial rulings and decisions

Contact Us

Through our social media accounts

    Or you can contact us through:

    Phone Number

    +966 920002731

    Phone Number


    Headquarters Address Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Road 
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